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Colleen Bow

Addicted to your phone?


We spend most of our days exposed to digital displays, be this computer screens, smartphones or tablets.

We are constantly bombarded with digital content. Work emails, social media, texting and videos..... It is so easy to spend time looking into screens that we become unaware of how much time has passed without us having achieved anything productive. Sometimes we don't change posture for hours, forget to eat lunch, drink water or even take bathroom breaks!

In today's modern world we can spend 40 hours or more looking into screens with little regard for posture and cognitive state of mind. The content we view impacts our emotional, social and physical health. When we see or hear - or even feel that watch vibrating - we are compelled to check what or who is commenting generating a state of anxiety to the point of physical discomfort.

Research has repeatedly shown that social media use increases anxiety significantly. So what steps can you take to break this cycle of addiction?

Say Goodnight to your phone

Screens emit blue light which signals to your brain that it is "daytime" and prevents the production of melatonin - the hormone we need to fall asleep. Keeping your mind engaged and active also gets in the way of drifting off to sleep in a relaxed and comfortable frame of mind. Say goodnight to your phone at least 30 minutes before going to bed.

Healthy Vision

Staring at screens forces your eyes to focus on close objects. Give your eyes a rest by looking up and focusing on something far out in front of you every 30 minutes.

Sitting Disease

Poor posture and seated body position for prolonged periods of time have been shown in research to increase your risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular problems, depression and anxiety. Download a free app that will remind you to stand and stretch every 30 minutes.

Have a look at some spinal hygiene tips from Fourways Chiropractic HERE

Being in a slouched position actually has an effect on your thoughts and emotions!

When the body is stressed we tend to collapse into a protective position which instinctually makes us feel powerless, vulnerable and brings negative memories to the forefront. In this frame of mind performing cognitive tasks is difficult.

If you integrate changing your posture with breathing exercises you can also change your mindset!

Sit up, look up, take a deep diaphragmatic breath and then think about reframing the problem you face.

In an upright posture, the body has more energy, feels stronger, confident and powerful. Positive memories rush to the fore and it becomes easier to tackle cognitive challenges!

If you have difficulty adapting and implementing changes into your daily habits you may need additional assistance.

Sympathetic Autonomic Nervous System Arousal may make it difficult to break these damaging habits.

ISF Neurofeedback will help bring the brain-body back into balance!

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